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Trainer Talk

Challenge Coins: An exclusive “currency,” steeped in tradition

By ASP Trainer Mike Dice

Military and law enforcement challenge coins are much more than just collectibles or souvenirs; they are tangible symbols of honor, camaraderie, and pride. These small medallions carry immense significance, representing the bravery, commitment, and shared experiences of those who serve. From their origins to their modern-day use, challenge coins have a storied history that reflects the core values of those who carry and exchange them.

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Angle of Advantage: What it is and how to use it

By ASP Trainer Jim Klauba

Angle of advantage (AOA) is a defensive tactics principle that increases officer safety, situational awareness, and control. As we teach in ASP training programs, Angle of Advantage dictates that the officer stand and/or approach the subject from a 45 degree angle, whether behind or in front of the subject. This is one of those basic principles that’s worth its weight in gold. It can be employed in a wide variety of circumstances and be seamlessly integrated with other tactics.

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The Art of a Good Question

By ASP Trainer Eric Snyder

To use questions effectively, we must first understand a key principle: HOW you communicate impacts WHAT you communicate—and that “what” is a two-way street. Ask a better question and you are more likely to receive a better answer.

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Functional Fitness for Law Enforcement Officers

By ASP Trainer Mike Dice

Law enforcement work comes with fitness demands that are unique among professions. An officer may spend hours in a car, but then have to suddenly burst into an all-out run, climb a fence or stairs, lift or drag significant weight, engage in defensive tactics and more. Add to that the psychological pressures and stresses, and you’ve got a physically-demanding career, to say the least. One of the best ways to prepare for these demands is through functional fitness—a varied and versatile exercise approach that trains your body to perform real-world physical tasks safely and efficiently. When people hear “functional fitness,” they often think of CrossFit—but that’s just one well-known version of the concept.

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