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Trainer Talk

Dialogue: Why it's the best defensive tactic

By ASP Trainer Jim Klauba

In Law Enforcement, fundamentals matter—and the most basic fundamental of all is dialogue. Verbal direction plays a role throughout the use of force continuum, from cooperative subjects to lethal scenarios.

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Elements of an Attack

By ASP Trainer Jim Klauba

The very foundation of defensive tactics is knowing what constitutes an attack in the first place. There are three elements that contribute to an attack—intent, weapon, and delivery system—and all three need to be present for an assault to succeed.

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Hand Positioning During Handcuffing—"The Why Behind the How”

By ASP Trainer Jim Klauba

Understanding why something is done a certain way helps straighten the learning curve, and handcuffing is one area where a little bit of learning goes a long way. That’s because bad things happen when handcuffing is done improperly. Of course, handcuffing is taught in all of our local departments and training academies, but in my experience, the quality and consistency of that instruction still varies. 

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Martial Arts and Law Enforcement Part Two: Choose the Right type of Training

By ASP Trainer Jim Klauba

At the end of the day, there is inherent risk in any style of martial art; after all, it’s physical combat. But for a professional who runs the very real risk of fighting every day on the job, the benefits of martial arts training far outweigh the risks.

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