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Trainer Talk

There is no Mastery without Mastering the Basics

By ASP Trainer James Schramm

These courses lay the rudimentary foundation for the participant to start teaching his or her new skill set. But 8, 24 or  even 40 hours in a class isn’t nearly enough time to have the working knowledge needed to run a successful training course. Certification is the beginning, not the end; on an ongoing basis for participants should review course material, formulate lesson plans, and most importantly, continue to sharpen their physical skills.

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The Confrontational Continuum

By ASP Trainer Mike Dice

The ability to use force is the most significant responsibility given to law enforcement officers. It is also the thing that is most likely to draw harsh scrutiny from both the public and the courts. Because of the significant liability and other risks faced by officers when they use force, ASP includes a Confrontational Continuum module in its defensive tactics training. The information provided in the module has been developed by teams of experts, and proven effective and defensible on the street.

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Martial Arts and Law Enforcement Part One: The Basics

By ASP Trainer Jim Klauba

As a trainer, I frequently get asked what martial art is best for police officers. It’s a great question, and a topic that’s particularly close to my heart, but there’s really no one answer.

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Setting Up Your Duty Belt

By ASP Trainer Mike Dice

"Most police academies and/or agencies provide guidelines or recommendations on setting up your duty belt. Some Standard Operating Procedures even dictate the placement of critical equipment. However, every officer and situation is different, so finding the best setup for your “rig” may require ongoing trial and error. You can often tell seasoned officers by what they choose to carry, and how they carry it. "

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